Iran beteuert die zivile Ausrichtung seines Atomprogramms
Iranian Ambassador to United Nations Mohammad Javad Zarif said in TV interview program 'Talking to American People' on C-Span nationwide TV that the purpose of Iranian nuclear program is simple: Iran is a country that will become a net importer of energy in a couple of decades.
"We need to invest in our sources of energy. We have invested a great deal in our alternative sources, including in hydroelectric power. Even in some areas of energy which have not yet developed well like wind energy and solar energy. We have invested in all areas of energy and nuclear energy is one area or alternative energy which is important and which have made investments in that area and we want to be able to have the technology for development purposes," he added.
Asked if Iran's nuclear program is for the future generation or it has military implications, Zarif responded, "No, we in fact believe that a nuclear weapons program will not enhance Iran's security." He added, "It will in fact be detrimental to our security and the perception that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program is in our view detrimental to our security. Therefore, we have made it very clear that nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction have no place in our defense doctrine and we have been more than willing to cooperate with the international community to remove any doubt as to even the possibility of a weapons program in Iran."
He recalled that the IAEA has now been in record at least five or six times that there is no indication of any activity that would direct to an illegal program or weapons program.
Dies meldete IRNA, die offizielle Nachrichtenagentur des Iran. Sollte Iran tatsächlich nur an einer zivilen Nutzung der Atomtechnologie interessiert sein, stellt sich die Frage, warum er auf einer selbständigen Urananreicherung besteht und warum der IAEO nicht Zugang zu allen Forschungsanlagen gestattet wird.
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